viernes, julio 29, 2005

MobileHCI 05

MobileHCI 05
Accepted tutorials

ID Tutorial Title Instructor(s)
T1 Designing with the Human Memory in Mind Tom Hewett
T2 Development of Interactive Applications for Mobile Devices Enrico Rukzio, Michael Rohs, Daniel Wagner, John Hamard
T3 Handheld Usability: Design, Prototyping, & Usability Testing for Mobile Phones Scott Weiss
T4 How to Set-up a Corporate User Experience Team: Key Success Factors, Strategic Positioning, and Sustainable Organisational Implementations Tobias Herrmann, Peter Messner
T5 Mobile Interaction Design Matt Jones, Gary Marsden
T6 Data Collection and Analysis Tools for Mobile HCI Studies Tobias Heffelaar, Ruediger Beer

jueves, julio 28, 2005


interactions is a timely new magazine on applied human-computer interaction (HCI). Its primary objective is to communicate ideas, standards, practices, research results and case studies to the practitioner. Users, developers, designers, managers, researchers and purchasers interested in HCI will gain access to leading-edge ideas and tools that emerge from research and development, achieving a true technology transfer from R&D settings to the practitioner community.

miércoles, julio 27, 2005

ASIS&T 2005 Euro IA: Europe's first information architecture conference

ASIS&T 2005 Euro IA: Europe's first information architecture conference: "Information Architecture Summit" October 15-16, 2006 in Tulip Inn Brussels Boulevard, Brussels Belgium

American Society for Information Science and Technology Home Page

American Society for Information Science and Technology Home Page

viernes, julio 22, 2005

Documentos en info sobre wireframes y más

User Experience Resource Collection, compiled by Dey Alexander
Muy completa colección de enlaces sobre: Accessible design, Design methods and techniques, business and marketing, information architecture, design issues and approaches, professional practice, resource types (books, blogs, interviews, mailing list, templates,etc)
Interesante sobretodo la información sobre wireframes

The Information Architecture Institute's Tools project aims to disseminate new IA tools from the community in order to learn from each other. Below you will find document templates, process map posters and other tools to help you in your practice. The documents have been donated by the community, by people just like you.

Get Creative!

Get Creative!

The Knowledge Economy as we know it is being eclipsed by something new -- call it the Creativity Economy. Even as policymakers and pundits wring their hands over the outsourcing of engineering, software writing, accounting, and myriad other high-tech, high-end service jobs -- not to mention the move of manufacturing to Asia -- U.S. companies are evolving to the next level of economic activity.

What was once central to corporations -- price, quality, and much of the left-brain, digitized analytical work associated with knowledge -- is fast being shipped off to lower-paid, highly trained Chinese and Indians, as well as Hungarians, Czechs, and Russians. Increasingly, the new core competence is creativity -- the right-brain stuff that smart companies are now harnessing to generate top-line growth. The game is changing. It isn't just about math and science anymore. It's about creativity, imagination, and, above all, innovation.

BusinessWeek is joining this growing conversation about getting creative by launching a new online Innovation & Design portal -- -- to present the best research and thinking on the subject. Take a look at the interactive self-assessment feature developed by Larry Keeley's Doblin Group. There are six innovation metrics available. Keeley is the guru of the evolving field of innovation science. Some compare him to W. Edwards Deming, who revolutionized the field of quality measurement.

jueves, julio 21, 2005

Videos online de "Seminar on People, Computers, and Design" - Standford

Standford University program in Human Computer interaction
CS547. Human-Computer Interaction Seminar
(Seminar on People, Computers, and Design)

February 11, 2005
12 myths of Mobile Device UIs
Aaron Marcus, Aaron Marcus and Associates

January 14, 2005
Adaptive user interfaces: design challenges for HCI
Tessa Lau, IBM Research

January 7, 2005
Tabletop interfaces
Merrie Ringel Morris, Stanford Computer Science

Mobile Media Metadata: The Future of Mobile Imaging
Marc Davis (UC Berkeley)

Enhancing User Experiences in Ubiquitous Computing
Jennifer Mankoff (UC Berkeley)

Graphics, Vision and HCI Research at MERL
Ramesh Raskar (Mitsubishi (MERL))

Handheld Usability
Scott Weiss (Usable Products Company)

Interaction Design at Pixar Animation Studio
Karon Weber, Pixar Animation Studios

Pervasive Interaction: Informal Tools for Designing Anywhere, Anytime, Anydevice User Interfaces
James Landay, Group for User Interface Research, UC Berkeley

martes, julio 19, 2005

UPA 2005: Bridging Cultures

UPA 2005: Bridging Cultures

Patrones de diseño web e interacción

Cada vez que comenzamos una nueva web tenemos que diseñar elementos presentes en otras webs (navegación del sitio, registros de usuario, carritos de la compra, etc).
En vez de diseñar nosotros mismos cada solución, podemos recurrir a los patrones.
Qué son los patrones
Los patrones son soluciones ya probadas a problemas comunes. Nos ayudan a crear sedes web sin tener que pensar cada solución o necesidad desde cero.
Utilizando patrones ahorarremos tiempo y podremos dedicar nuestras esfuerzos a otros aspectos de la web. Además, tendremos la seguridad de que la eficacia de las soluciones está comprobada.
Hay que decir que probablemente ya estés utilizando patrones. El simple hecho de navegar hace que absorbamos las ideas más utilizadas. Cuando diseñamos una sede web utilizamos todo ese conocimiento adquirido. Sin embargo, lo hacemos sin orden y muchas veces asimilamos estas ideas de una manera superficial.
Necesitamos una selección amplia de patrones probados y bien documentados para poder diseñar sedes web de calidad.
Formato y aplicación
Los patrones utilizados de forma aislada son de poca utilidad. Cuando aplicamos un patrón es necesario tener en cuenta otros patrones que también entran en juego.
Con un conjunto de patrones podemos comunicar y resolver problemas con un lenguaje muy potente.
Un patrón describe contexto de uso, solución práctica y otras consideraciones a tener en cuenta. Responden a las siguientes preguntas
¿Cuándo es necesaria una solución ya conocida?
¿Por qué es necesaria?
¿Cómo se aplica?
Cada autor utiliza un esquema ligeramente distinto para responder a estas preguntas. Un ejemplo podría ser:
Nombre del patrón
Contexto: cuando surge la necesidad de este patrón
Problema: para qué sirver el patrón, a que necesidades da solución.
Solución: respuesta concreta al problema planteado.
Ejemplo: caso real de aplicación.
Otros patrones necesarios para completar la solución.
Hay patrones más abstractos y otros con soluciones más concretas. Cuanto más abstracto sea el patrón, antes se tiene que utilizar en el desarrollo de una web. A medida que avanzamos, necesitaremos patrones más concretos.
Si queremos una web de calidad, es necesario tener un estudio previo centrado en el usuario. Los patrones no son fórmulas mágicas. Cada problema podría estar bien solucionado (el carrito de la compra, por ejemplo), pero la web podría tener poca coherencia en su conjunto.
Podemos utilizar patrones para diseñar una web desde cero, pero también sirven para solucionar problemas que se detecten en webs que ya estén publicadas.
Puedes leer más sobre el uso de patrones en un ejemplo práctico.
Patrones de diseño En Grancomo puedes encontrar muchos enlaces de interés para profundizar en el uso de patrones. Patrones de interacción para la Web, aplicaciones móviles y de escritorio. Utiliza hipertexto para enlazar patrones relacionados.
UI Patterns and Techniques
Implementing a Pattern Library in the Real World: A Yahoo! Case Study Caso práctico de cómo crear un lenguaje común para la comunicación entre miembros de la compañía.
The Design of Sites. Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience. Douglas K. Van Duyne, James A. Landay e Jason I, Hong.

Software to take notes or log usability tests:

Morae (Techsmith)
Observation Coding System (Triangle Research)
The Observer (Noldus)
Usability Logger (Ovo)
Usability Validation Suite (Ergolight)
Usability Ware (Usability Systems)

lunes, julio 18, 2005

Links de accesibilidad

The Guild of Accessible Web Designers - GAWDS
Guru accessible web design articles and tips

Accessible web design Gurus spread the word.
Automated testing - How useful is it? A discussion about the value of automated testing and it's role within web accessibility auditing.
Content Management Systems and Web Standards When CMS vendors are constantly repositioning their products to align them with the latest buzz-words and industry fashions, it's easy to be deflected from concentrating on the most basic, but important issues - like ensuring that the resulting web pages will work on the web browsers of visitors to your site.
Your UK business website and the Disability Discrimination Act. A FAQ for UK Businesses about accessible web design and the Disability Discrimination Act.
Don't use the statistics defence as a reason to exclude people from your content Arguments against the 'statistics defence' for excluding users from accessing content of a website, e.g., 'we don't worry if our content is not accessible to someone who uses Netscape 4 because there as so few Netscape 4 users these days'.
What is an accessible website?
Technology for all of us
10 basic tests to check your website for accessibility Want to check if your website is accessible? Run through these ten quick and easy tests and find out!
Web accessibility and the law in the UK: Is Your Website Legal? Since 1999 websites have been required to be accessible to visually impaired and disabled Internet users under the Disability Discrimination Act. Find out what your legal obligations are.
How disabled users access the Internet Different groups of people have unique needs when accessing websites. Find out what these are in this informative article.
Accessible Information Technology - A case study: Part 1 The first part of a case study involving an innovative and prize winning high accessibility IT project.
Accessible Information Technology - A case study: Part 2 The second part of a case study involving an innovative and prize winning high accessibility IT project.
Assistive Technology: Keyboards And Other Input Alternatives How can a normal keyboard be adapted? What keyboard alternatives are available?
Assistive Technology: Braille and Low Vision Aids Additional hardware and software that may be utilised by visually impaired users.
Assistive Technology: Alternative Pointing Devices Not everyone can use a standard mouse...
Assistive Technology: Other Aids Assistive technology extends well beyond screen readers and large keyboards.
Quick Accessibility Checks Basic quick tests for some of the main Checkpoints within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
A beginners introduction to standard markup and accessibility What do we mean when we talk about standard markup - and how is it related to accessibility?
Writing good ALT text

Curso Usability 101

Curso de usabilidad en flash, oido y leido de

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