lunes, marzo 28, 2005

DialogDesign - Comparative Usability Evaluation - CUE

DialogDesign - Comparative Usability Evaluation - CUE

You may be surprised. Even a task as (seemingly) transparent as usability testing Microsoft's elicited different data based on different approaches to usability testing.

Molich, Ede, Kaasgaard and Karyukin (2004) reports on the findings of the Comparative Usability Evaluation Study (CUE-2). This meta-analysis describes the usability testing approaches and results across nine independent usability groups asked to conduct a "standard" usability test of The teams included six industry labs, two university-based teams with commercial activities and two student teams. Each team was provided the same project background information and access to a "Marketing Liaison" for
further clarification or feedback on their proposed methods.

miércoles, marzo 23, 2005

HCI Online Resources University of Georgia

HCI Online Resources

martes, marzo 22, 2005

Parrish Hanna

Parrish Hanna

Parrish Hanna
Senior Level Experience Design Manager

Lessons Learned: Version 2

Throughout my years of learning and professional practice, a few fundamental principles have emerged that define much of my philosophy, work and actions. I’m hoping that these grounding principles will provide insight and consideration to those that seek to navigate and thrive in the profession of Experience Design.

Human Factors International--degrees in human computer interaction

Human Factors International--degrees in human computer interaction

The following programs offer graduate training in human-computer interaction or software ergonomics.

Jef Raskin

Welcome to

Jef Raskin died on February 26th. While the public is hearing the story of his key role in creating the Macintosh, there is a lot to more know about Jef's contribution to the way we think about user experience. From his view that good design was a moral duty, he helped us transform interface design into an engineering discipline. Jef will be remembered for information appliances, humane interfaces, and a passion that computers can be better.

Usability First:Your online guide to usability resources

Usability First: Welcome
Usability First™ provides information and resources for key issues related to usability in website and software design.

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Master's Degree at the School of Information, University of Michigan

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Master's Degree at the School of Information, University of Michigan

Gestalt Principles & Web Design

Gestalt Principles & Web Design
A web site illustrating the value of using Gestalt principles in the web page design process

lunes, marzo 21, 2005

metodología para el diseño de intranet

Intranet total
Website de Investigación y Material de Referencia sobre Intranets

Artículos sobre Intranets
Step Two Designs has grown to become Australia's leading vendor-neutral consultancy, specialising in intranets and content management.

miércoles, marzo 09, 2005

NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program

NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program

User Centric, Inc.

User Centric, Inc.

M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction 2005 DEPAUL

M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction 2005

Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics

Descargar el manual para asociarse

Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics

HCI Graduate Program Directory Table of Contents

HFES Graduate Program Directory Table of Contents

Health journal Specials:

Setting goals and implementing action for a change can be aided by a personal journal. In this journal, you can keep track of ideas, insights, setbacks and accomplishments and analyze your successes and challenges. Print out this journal page each day as a helpful tool to a 'new you.'

Anuario numero 2, mayo 2004

Publicación anual sobre temas relacionados con la información y la documentación en formato digital

Anuario n�mero 2, mayo 2004 Mapas conceptuales

Laboratorio online del proyecto DigiDoc de la Unversidat Pompeu Fabra.
Editor de mapas conceptuales. Master en documentación y biblioteconomía Mapas conceptuales

lunes, marzo 07, 2005 - where tiny is better! - where tiny is better!

miércoles, marzo 02, 2005

10 Classics from Cognitive Science

10 Classics from Cognitive Science

martes, marzo 01, 2005

Louis Rosenfeld (Aug 17, 2004: Information Architecture Heuristics)

Bloug Entry (Aug 17, 2004: Information Architecture Heuristics)

Normas para la usabilidad

En 1990, Bevan, uno de los principales gestores de la definición ISO de usabilidad informaba de las dificultades para implementar directrices(1), entre otras razones porque suelen ser vagas y separadas del contexto en que deben ser utilizadas.

Esta dificultad parece afectartanto a novatos como expertos(2), lo que finalmente termina incidiendo en que sean escasamente utilizadas. Según Ivory (2003) sólo el 33% delos diseñadores las usa.

La escasa utilización de las guías esta relacionada además con su gran número y el diverso grado de confiabilidad de sus fuentes(3).
Guidelines for Designing Usable World Wide Web Pages

Los intentos por resolver estos problemas han involucrado proyectos de gran alcance como EvalWeb (5) y WebTango (6) los que tiene como una delas principales fases de su trabajo el generar medidas operacionalizables, es decir, indicaciones medibles que no estén sujetasa ambigüedad. Aunque su propósito sea la evaluación automática, entrega un marco de instrucciones para evaluar la usabilidad de un sitio.

Por otra parte, respecto de la utilización efectiva de directrices y su combinación con patrones una interesante propuesta(7).

Y finalmente, aunque pueda salirse del tema de la documentación, te envío el enlace de un importantísima reflexión respecto del concepto de usabilidad y de como su ambigüedad genera directrices, pautas y guíasambiguas. Para resolver el dilema se plantea un modelo en tres capas yc omo cada un de ellas puede aportar en las fases de desarrollo de unproducto (8).

Marcelo Garrido PalmaTel: 56 - 09-

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